HOD Method
A design process for designing digital experiences with theatre-plays, algorithmic thinking and digital tools

Hands On Deck design process is based on the contextual inquiry method by theatrical performance, to investigate and comprehend human behaviours, interactions and events while designing for a service or product service system.

To investigate and comprehend human behaviours, interactions and events while designing for a service or product service system. To emphasize this explorative aspect, we use the phrase "Investigative Rehearsal.“ Similar techniques include bodystorming, service walkthrough, service simulation, and role-play. Investigative rehearsal is a structured, constructive, full-body way to examine interactions and develop new strategies. It is a powerful technique based on Forum Theatre, and can be used to examine, understand, and try out behaviour or processes.

It clarifies the emotional side of an experience and can reveal many practicalities of the use of physical space, interaction, language, and tone of voice. In this method, we stage the natural act of a designed or pre-existing service to conduct a study into it, since every service is a compilation of series of mini events or transactions, this method gives us a better perspective on these events from multi-disciplinary approach. Instead of guessing we see humans performing these tasks in a controlled safe-space.